Development Education

Development Education can be defined as a process which aims to raise awareness among people on development issues, enhance their understanding regarding the global and local challenges faced by developing countries, and promote people’s engagement in action towards addressing these issues. According to DEEEP, “Development education is an active learning process, founded on values of solidarity, equality, inclusion and co-operation. ”(Source:

Development education involves gaining a better understanding about inequalities around the world and trying to find solutions to overcome them. In this sense it challenges and encourages thinking to aid people to enhance their practical skills and confidence to bring about positive change locally and globally. According to DEA, Development Education explores the links between peoples living in the “developed” countries of the North with those of the “developing” South, enabling people to understand the links between their own lives and those of the people throughout the world (Source: In addition it increases understanding of the economic, social, political and environmental forces which shape our lives. Development Education develops the skills, attitudes and values which enable people to cooperate to take action to bring about change and take control of their own lives. Finally it works towards achieving a more just and a more sustainable world in which power and resources are more equitably shared.

CONCORD is the confederation representing European NGOs for relief and development at European level, and has been very active in development education. The Development Education forum (within CONCORD) has initiated a project named Development Education Exchange in Europe Project (DEEEP). The forum aims to establish common strategies to increase the impact of Development Education and development activities in Europe. The activities identified as Development Education consist of; work with schools, training, adult education initiatives, advocacy, campaigns and awareness raising on development issues. Some of the challenges and issues that need to be addressed include:

  • Diversion of scarce economic resources from social development to military
  • Human rights
  • Gap between standards, policies, and practices
  • The right to information and the right to inform
  • Global women’s movement
  • Disabled people and inclusion
  • Migration and social economy
  • European lack of knowledge on development issues
  • Marginality of development education
  • Globalisation and education