Mediterranean Migration Network Launched

The Mediterranenan Migration Network was officially launched during a two-day working meeting at the University of Nicosia on March 1-2, 2012. Present at the meeting were the Minister of Interior, Mr. Neoclis Sylikiotis, Dr. Michalis Attalides, and representatives from publci and private organizations from Cyprus and Europe. Among the organizations represented included the International Organization for Migration, The Migration Policy Group based in Brussels, Oxfam Italia, COA from the Netherlands, High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue in Portugal, the Ministry of Education and Culture, NGOs, and Union representatives.

Dr. Vrasidas Welcomes the Minister of Interior

Dr. Vrasidas & the Minister of Interior

The mission of the network is to provide a forum for public and private organizations in the EU-Mediterranean region, active in migration and integration, to  collaborate, exchange ideas and learn from each other. The Mediterranean Migration Network is managed by the non-profit centre CARDET in cooperation with the consultancy firm INNOVADE. The project “Establishment of Multilateral Networks with Mediterranean Countries”, (Action 7, EIF, Annual Program 2010) is co-funded by the European Integration Fund for Third Country Nationals (75%) and the Republic of Cyprus (25%). For more information visit